
NOMITEK, S.A. DE CV, hereinafter "Nomitek", in compliance with the provisions in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (LFPDPPP), extends this PRIVACY NOTICE as responsible for the use and protection of personal data provided for the fulfillment of its corporate purpose, specifying the information that is collected and the purposes that are given to such information.

1.- What personal data do we collect?

As a person interested in matters related to the activities of Nomitek, which requires access to our offices, whether as a visitor, client, supplier or contractor related to any of our services, we may request information related to personal data, that varies according to the specific case, for its identification, such as: name, signature, corporate information of the company like address, email and phone numbers including patrimonial data such a bank information; official identification registries such as CURP or RFC and any other personal information required, this Privacy Notice also refers to images obtained by the video recording system installed in our offices.

For the purposes of reporting services and potential customers, we need to obtain the following personal information: Company name,Line of Business Full name of contact, position, landline and cell phone, email, company website and how you found out about us.

2.- What do we use personal data for?

We collect and use the aforementioned personal data only to the extent that it is necessary for the effective provision of the services entrusted to us, specifically in the case of payroll processing. As well as for providing requested information about our services and creating a database of potential clients.

As for the video recording system, it only captures images of our staff and visitors in our facilities, for the exclusive purpose of security and surveillance, 24 hours a day for the benefit of both the company and the clients, visitors and staff.

3.- With whom do we share the information and for what purposes?

Personal data is only processed by our staff for the purpose of properly processing and fulfilling the services that this company provides to its clientele or to complete internal review and audit processes, therefore, personal data is not transferred to any third party with the exception of the cases provided by the article 37 of the LFPDPPP or by means of a formal and legal requirement of the competent authority.

4.- ARCO Rights

You have the right of Access, Rectification and Cancellation of your personal data, as well as to Oppose its treatment and to revoke consent for its use (ARCO Rights).

You may exercise these rights by submitting a request through the following means:

a) In person to our business address on: Av. Barranca del Muerto #24, Col. Guadalupe Inn, Del. Álvaro Obregón, Ciudad de México, C.P. 01020
b) By sending an email to:
c) By Calling to: (55) 41222600.

5.- Privacy Notice Changes

Any change to this Privacy Notice might be viewed on our website: