
Anonymous Complaint

Dear visitor:

Nomitek, S.A. de C.V. is a proudly certified Company in ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems, which commits us to uphold a rigorous Complaint Handling Procedure so that we are able to identify, attend to and mitigate any action that threatens our guidelines as set out in our Code of Ethics or Anti-BriberyPolicy*

If you want to know more email us at: a

Using the following template, we invite you to present your complaint freely and concretely. We hereby assure your protection and there will be no consequences of any type arising from your actions. Your complaint will be handled with the utmost respect and confidentiality.

We are sorry to hear that you to raise a complaint with us. Using the following template please submit your complaint in writing providing as much detail and supporting evidence as possible. We wish to assure you that your complaint will be handled with the utmost respect and confidentiality.

Anonymous Complaint Template

    If you prefer not to provide personal details such as your name or email, it will be not possible to handle your complaint, however, our Integrity and Ethics Committee will evaluate it.

    Thanks for your trust

    Have you support documentation that can be provided? In case you have it, please attach it (mails, pictures, documents)

    Thanks for your trust, your complaint will be handled confidentially and shortly by our Chief Compliance Officer. In cases where you have provided contact information, we will reply to you using the details provided as part of our agreed follow-up process.